Swimming pool landscaping and Garden Design

Pools are a fantastic way to entertain and cool down in the summer but a pool without a planted landscape surrounding it can quickly turn into an eyesore. Plants and pool landscaping play an important part in softening your pool and helping it fit into the surroundings.

Good and bad pool design examples

It’s not as simple as adding a few plants. Pools create difficult obstacles to overcome. Some plants do not like the pool water splashing on them so care has to be given to what plants are used.

Pools typically have a lot of hard surfaces creating excess heat that can make it very hot and dry for plants. Using pots around your pool can be an easy way to overcome and dress up an existing pool.

Carefull considerarion has to be given to trees and larger plants to insure leaves are not falling, creating extra maintance.

Hiring a landscape designer to ensure all elements are addressed is highly recommended. wether you are starting from scratch or giving an existing pool a facelift, a landscape designer will be able to ensure you have a smooth process.

Check out Houzz.com for some great pool examples.

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